The Grassroots Hybrid School Founder: Preparing Part 1-Vision


What is your vision for a hybrid school? As a founder, you need to have a vision…fuzzy though it may be…of what you want to build in order to build it. That might sound obvious, but sometimes a vision can be so fuzzy, you lose your way trying to get to it. The realities of the decisions that need to be made, people’s opinions, and even convenience(or panic!) can all contribute to lessening the zeal that may have first gotten you started. The clouds roll in and you can’t see where you were going. Don’t let it happen!

Are you building a hybrid school because of the hybrid model itself? Because of a philosophy of education that is not easily accessible? elsewhere  Both?

Is your driving motivation affordability? Flexibility? Community? Enrichment? Core academics? 

You will get input and opinions as you build your program. Someone won’t like some piece of what you want to build. If your vision is clear, you can take opinions for what they are. Just opinions.  

Write out your vision statement. Who do you want to serve and with what?  Be specific. Make it focused. Make it succinct.

You DO want to match this to the realities of your market and we will discuss this next. But start with your vision and then fit the market and vision together proactively and carefully.


The Grassroots Hybrid School Founder: Part 2-Your Market


What is a hybrid school anyway?